Privacy Policy


  • This 'Privacy Policy' explains how GEPHA JSC (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company') processes the personaldata of registered users ('User', 'You') on the 'Application' and 'Website' (hereinafter referred to as the'Platform'), ensuring the confidentiality and security of such data.
  • By using this Platform, you will be deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and policiesoutlined in this 'Privacy Policy'.
  • If you use the 'Application' on behalf of a third party (e.g., a family member),” You” declare that you areauthorized to accept the terms and policies of the 'Privacy Policy” and the information specified therein onbehalf of the third party.

1. Processing of Personal Data

1.1. The purpose of processing your personal data by GEPHA includes:

  • Identifying services/products tailored to you.
  • Offering individual promotions.
  • Receiving orders, processing, and delivering services.
  • Facilitating the delivery and return of products and services, as well as processing and managing yourpayments, refunds, and partial refunds.
  • Processing your claims.
  • Accumulating loyalty points.

1.2. JSC 'GEPHA' will process your data in accordance with the principles defined by the Georgian law 'On PrivacyPolicy.'

1.3. The data we collect and process from you may include:

  • Your first and last name.
  • Data of the device you use to access the 'Platform'.
  • Your residential address (country, city, street, and other address details).
  • Contact data (such as email address and phone number).
  • Demographic data (such as “your” gender and date of birth).
  • “Your” personal identification number.
  • Information about loyalty cards of the company's pharmacy and store chains.
  • The first 6 and/or last 4 numbers of the debit/credit card, the name and surname of the cardholder, and theunique operation code.
  • Purchase history of products purchased through the application and website.
  • Payment operations for products/services purchased through the application and website.

1.4. Mandatory data for registration on the platform are:

  • Name and surname.
  • Telephone number.
  • Date of birth

1.5. “You” will have limited access to the services, for instance, you cannot take advantage of points accrual,payment with points, and discounts without uploading your loyalty card to the platform.

1.6. Upon termination of data processing for any reason, we reserve the right to depersonalize your personal dataand store it in this form for analytical/ statistical purposes.

1.7. Persons under the age of 16 are prohibited from using the platform. If we become aware that a userregistered on the Platform is under the age of 16, we will be obliged to cancel such person's account and deletetheir data. By using GEPHA’s platform, you certify that you are at least 16 years of age.

2. Privacy and Security Guarantees

 2.1. “You” are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to us; therefore, you are obligedto correct or delete incorrect data. In case of a change in “your” personal data, please update the relevantinformation in the data registered on the platform. If the company has doubts about the correctness, accuracy, orcompleteness of the information provided by you, we reserve the right to suspend providing services until youclarify the data.

 2.2. To request the cancellation of “your” account and/or the blocking, deletion, and/or destruction ofyour personal data, please contact us using any of the contact details specified in clause 5 of this policy.

2.3. After the termination of data processing in any form, your personal information will be stored by thecompany in accordance with current legislation, for a period of no more than 3 (three) years. In case of anydispute related to the processing of your personal data, your information will be retained until the end of therelevant dispute.

2.4. GEPHA has no control over the sites that may appear because of searches or as links to its services. Suchsites may place their own short information files (so-called cookies) or other files on “your” device, collectinformation about you, or request your personal information, for which GEPHA is not responsible. Accordingly,GEPHA does not guarantee the data protection methods of such websites, nor the accuracy, reliability, or qualityof the information, data, text, software, sound, photos, graphics, videos, messages, or other material posted onthem. Therefore, if you visit such sites, you do so at your own risk and bear full responsibility.

2.5. GEPHA implements reasonable security practices and procedures to protect the personal data that it has underits control from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification and unlawfuldestruction or accidental loss. However, for any data loss or theft due to unauthorized access to the User’selectronic devices through which the User avails the Services, GEPHA cannot be held liable for any loss whatsoeverincurred by the User.

2.6. GEPHA has a comprehensive documented information security program, which defines managerial, technical,operational, and physical security control measures that are commensurate with respect to the information beingcollected and the nature of our business.

2.7. I understand that the company will process my personal data only for the purposes specified in this policy.In case of necessity, the company may transfer my personal data to the state, regulatory, law enforcement agency,in accordance with the law.

2.8. To achieve the purposes of processing specified in this policy, we will share your personal data with ourcontractors, such as: development companies, tax and financial institutions, courier companies, to the extentnecessary and appropriate.

2.9. Notwithstanding the above, GEPHA is not responsible for the confidentiality, security, or distribution of“Your” Personal Information by our partners and third parties outside the scope of our agreement with suchpartners/PROVIDERS and third parties. Further, GEPHA is not responsible for any breach of security or for anyactions of any third parties or events that are beyond the reasonable control of GEPHA including but not limitedto, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorized access to computer data and storage device, computercrashes, breach of security and encryption, poor quality of Internet service or telephone service of the User etc.

3. Change to Privacy Policy

This document may be modified in accordance with the legislation and/or changes to our personal data protectionpolicy. Any changes made to this document will be published immediately on the Company's platform. In addition,you will be notified of any significant (non-technical) changes by posting an appropriate notice on your profilepage. If 'You' do not agree to any changes, you may contact us at to cancel your account.

4. Consent to this Policy

 By registering on the platform, you confirm that you have read this 'Privacy Policy' and agree to GEPHAusing, processing and/or disclosing 'your' personal information in the manner and for the purposes set out in this'Privacy Policy'.

5. Contact information:

 The owner of the platform is JSC 'GEPHA', VAT: 201991229, Address:  St. Tbilisi, Akaki Beliashvili st.142. In case of any question or request, you can apply to the company at the specified address, you can alsocontact us at the following e-mail address: or phone number: 0322 71 07 07

Contact Us
(032) 2 71 07 07
JSC Gepha, ID 201991229
24A Sulkhan Tsintsadze Street 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia
Application is available on Android and iOS systems
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